
A poem by ALL!E.♥

Skipping through these flower fields
I think of how amazing you make me feel

I lay in the grass gazing at the stars
Thinking of how beautiful you really are

Here I sit under this big tree
I ask myself if this is the happiest I could ever be

Swimming in this dark empty pond
I try not to drown at the thought of you being gone.


This was written for Sean Douglas Decker.

07.24.2007 - Special Airport Day

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Main Ingredients:

What's cookin home skillets?
I'm Allie fluffin Sailboat.
I speak a lil Japanese + I've been dancing my heart out since the age of 3.
I've had Arthritis since the age of 4.
I have a doggie named Mr. Leno, + a kitty named Lucky.
I am very poetic + artistic.
I love to play piano + I suck balls at guitar,
but "pelvic thrust" your couch. I will play anyway.
I really want to learn the harp + viola.
I'm working on an acoustic project called The Amity Ship.
I'm considering making it a mini orchestra.
I am very adventurous + I'm going to sail the world!
No one, I repeat, NO ONE is going to stop me or my crew!
I am open minded + pretty much up for anything.
I hope to save the world someday on my journeys!

Bon apitit! <3

You can add me on myspace too.
I'm mad friendly.
Allie's MySpace:


My YouTuber:
