
My Best Friend Jobo! <3

Dear Jobo,

To befriend is an honor
Where I'd be without you is what I tend to ponder
Of the things you do and say I could never become fonder
It's your geniousness I envy
I can't imagine where I'd ever be
With out my best friend who is always there for me
To speak to of worst and best
The infinately positive thoughts I think of you can never be compressed
So this letter shall be my endeavor to express
There are no other ways to simply define
No steps in a choreography
No lines in a song
No pages in a book
No adventures which are long
There is no other way
To simply say
That you are my best friend
That you'll always brighten my day!

Love Your Best Friend,
ALL!E. <3

© 2008 Alyson McKay

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Main Ingredients:

What's cookin home skillets?
I'm Allie fluffin Sailboat.
I speak a lil Japanese + I've been dancing my heart out since the age of 3.
I've had Arthritis since the age of 4.
I have a doggie named Mr. Leno, + a kitty named Lucky.
I am very poetic + artistic.
I love to play piano + I suck balls at guitar,
but "pelvic thrust" your couch. I will play anyway.
I really want to learn the harp + viola.
I'm working on an acoustic project called The Amity Ship.
I'm considering making it a mini orchestra.
I am very adventurous + I'm going to sail the world!
No one, I repeat, NO ONE is going to stop me or my crew!
I am open minded + pretty much up for anything.
I hope to save the world someday on my journeys!

Bon apitit! <3

You can add me on myspace too.
I'm mad friendly.
Allie's MySpace:


My YouTuber:
